You can use the products for personal use.
You can put your name on the products as
the author!
You can edit the contents, change the E-Cover, re-title
the products, and include your very own back-end
affiliate links!
You can break the E-Book contents down to articles
for your viral article submissions, blogs or even e-zine!
You can sell the products, individually or in a package
at any price you wish! The profit potential
is yours to decide!
You can add the products into your (free/paid) membership
site for your members to enjoy and increase the
perceived value of your membership content!
You can use the products as a bonus to another
product you are selling!
You can include these products into a paid package
and sell at a higher price!
You can sell the products through auction sites!
You can offer the (Master) Resell
Rights - together or separately - to the products
- and sell at a higher price!
You can resell
the Private Label Rights
to the products at an even higher price!
You can give the products away - with
or without Private Label Rights - and use them as lead
collectors to build your mailing list!
You can change and publish
the products offline!
And so
much more!